Frequently Asked Questions

To book our services, simply contact us by phone or email. We will discuss the details of your event, including the date, location, number of participants, and desired services. Once we confirm your booking, we will take care of everything to ensure your event is a success.

We offer a complete cocktail menu that includes a wide range of cocktails. However, if you have specific preferences or want to tailor the menu to your event’s theme, we would be happy to work with you to create the perfect cocktail selection. We can adjust ingredients, style, and presentation to meet your needs and ensure that all your guests are satisfied.

We generally recommend estimating about 2-3 drinks per person for the first hour and about 1-2 drinks per person for each subsequent hour. For example, if the event lasts from 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM (7 hours) and there are 80 people attending, you would need approximately 6 x 80 = 480 cocktails/drinks. Some guests may have 3 drinks, others may have 5, but the average will remain consistent. This number serves as a good starting point for planning the amount of drinks for your guests.

We always have a backup plan. If we notice that the drinks are running low, we will inform you in advance and help you decide whether to replenish them. Additionally, we always bring extra drinks to ensure that you won’t run out.

We determine the price for mobile bar services based on several factors: the duration of the event, the number of guests, the selected drinks and cocktail menu, and any additional service needs. We also consider transportation costs and equipment use. For each booking, we create a customized quote to fit your needs and budget.

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